Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day Picnic with Friends!

We were thrilled to get to spend this Memorial Day with good friends, the Fromilles, Haertels, and Storers.  The guys were all classmates at the US Naval Academy and have again found themselves classmates at Naval Postgrad School.  We enjoyed great conversation, delicious food, fun games, and above all amazing company.  We have really enjoyed being out here in CA along side good friends - we have great times when we are all together. 

Yummy little tomato, mozzarella, and basil salads :)

Check out those desserts!  So patriotic and yummy!

Our sweet little patriotic family!

The gang!  Thanks to the Fromille family for such a wonderful time! :)


  1. I love the pictures. Of course those little "salads" are soo cute!!
