Sunday, April 3, 2011


We've been up to quite a lot lately!  Lots of fun stuff going on which keeps us super busy but it's fun to always have something to look forward to!  We're enjoying every moment of living out here in California and definitely taking advantage of fun happenings in the area. 

On March 24, the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Gary Roughead was at Naval Postgraduate School.  He was there to speak at that weekend's graduation and the night before the NPS Foundation, which we are members of, hosted a cocktail party for him.  We thought it was a great time to get to meet Justin's "boss" and hear what we he had to say.  We were very glad that we attended, met some nice people, and thoroughly enjoyed hearing Admiral Roughead talk about the current state of the US Navy and what he sees in the future.

Justin and me with Admiral Roughead, CNO.

Then, that weekend we traveled to Berkeley, California (near San Francisco) about two hours away to Golden Gate Fields for some horse racing!  I'm flying back home at the end of April and will be going to Keeneland in Lexington, KY for the spring meet and sadly Justin won't get to come so we thought we'd take advantage of some CA horse racing and spend the day at the track.  We "almost" won every single race with our horses being in the lead till the very last second - most with a photo finish.  While we left the track in the red, we had tons of fun watching the horses race from the beautiful Turf Club overlooking the track and San Francisco cityscape.

At the Paddock at Golden Gate Fields.

This past Friday we celebrated 12 weeks in the pregnancy.  Almost officially out of the first trimester, I'm just now starting to enjoy life again and have not been so dependant on my prescription morning sickness pill.  Thank the Good Lord!  :)  Elle and I have been doing "two-a-days" running and walking down to the beach which has been such a blessing.  I promise you, seeing the beautiful Pacific Ocean and the waves crashing into the beautiful coastline is just good for one's soul.  We're looking forward to our next doctor's appointment on April 7th and of course can't wait for the "big" appointment at the end of May when we'll find out if Justin is officially out numbered in this house or if we're having a little boy!  We absolutely cannot wait! 

Still nothing to see at 12 weeks...

This evening we attended Doris Day's 87th birthday party.  If you've read articles about her recently, you'd know that she lied about her age when she first started in the business so most think she turned 88 but she's not a day over 87!  She lives in Carmel Valley and co-owns a gorgeous historic hotel in Carmel-by-the-Sea, The Cypress Inn.  Each year a party is hosted for her in Carmel to celebrate her birthday.  In past years, she has been able to attend her celebration but sadly this year she was not.  She did however call in and they put her on speaker phone and she sounded fabulous.  She thanked everyone for being there, asked about all the puppies there, and told everyone many times that she loved them.  It was precious.  She is a very big animal rights activist and has her own foundation benefiting dogs.  We had a delightful evening celebrating her birthday and enjoying live music.  Laura Didier, a fellow military spouse, is in a group that travels the country with their Doris Day Tribute band.  They did a wonderful job and the evening was topped off with her beautiful rendition of "Que Sera, Sera".

At The Cypress Inn celebrating Doris Day's birthday (and enjoying a little date night!)

And I thought I'd end this blog post with a picture of our sweet little girl, Elle :) 

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. loving the new pictures! You look great Lauren. I am glad you are starting to feel better. Hugs to you!
