Sunday, March 6, 2011

We're Adding A Limb To Our Family Tree

Introducing the newest member to our little family.... Baby K.  We couldn't be more excited to share this special time in our lives with those we love the most.  We absolutely cannot wait to welcome our little peanut into the world in October 2011 and are thrilled to have you along for the journey, oh what a wild ride it will be! 

Justin and I found out we were expecting a precious little one on Sunday, January 30, 2011.  To share the big news with the soon-to-be-Daddy I wrapped up a tiny little Naval Academy football jersey onesie and attached a card "To Daddy, Love Navy's Littlest Fan".  We hugged, we cried, we laughed, and we instantly fell in love with this little peanut that we have yet to meet. 

Since finding out that we were expecting and sharing the news with family and friends, our days have been consumed with morning/"all day" sickness, unusual cravings, food aversions, and most recently our first ultrasound.  On March 3, 2011 we excitedly went to Dr. Alexander's office, hand in hand, absolutely thrilled to see our baby for the first time on the ultrasound machine.  Our baby is a lively one!  :)  Baby K's tiny arms and legs were kicking all over the place and the tiny heart beating at a heart rate of 160.  We heard the words we longed to hear all day "your baby looks great!"  Ahh.... OUR BABY! 

We hope that this blog will become a place that you can visit to get updates on our growing family.  Thank you for being as excited about our little one as we are.  We look forward to sharing this special time with you all.

Lots of love,
Justin, Lauren, Elle, and the little peanut :)


  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful adventure with everyone! I can't wait to check back and read more. Love you guys!

  2. I love the post. I am so happy beyond words for you 2! I know you are going to be such wonderful parents!
