Monday, May 9, 2011

My 1st Mother's Day

"Before you were conceived, I wanted you.  Before you were born, I loved you.  Before you were here an hour, I would give my life for you.  This is the miracle of life." by Maureen Hawkins

While I have yet to meet our precious little peanut, I already love this baby more than I ever could have thought was possible.  I find myself constantly wanting to protect it, care for it, nurture it, and love it.  I spend my days dreaming about the life it will have.  I wish that it may always feel loved, supported, cared for, and appreciated.  I hope that our child doesn't have to want for anything in life; that we may be able to provide for it above and beyond.  I hope that our child smiles every single day.  I wish for so many wonderful things for our sweet baby and I cannot wait until October, when that day comes that I get to hold it in my arms, kiss it, love it, and whisper all of these dreams, hopes, and desires I have for it and care for it the way a new mother cares for her child. 
This first Mother's Day was special because not only do I have a precious baby on the way, but because I have two amazing women in my life who I look up to and hope to be like one day very soon; my Mom and my Nana. 
17 week baby bump picture taken after church on Mother's Day.

This is right down the road from our house - we are so fortunate to live in paradise.

Mommy and Elle playing on the beach :)

My sweet husband and me

Family photo!

What a truly special Mother's Day :)

1 comment:

  1. Your post brought tears to my eyes. It is so absolutely amazing being a mother and I wouldn't change it for the world. The love you feel for your child is so well there are no words because it is just so much happiness. You will truly be a wonderful mother!
