Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Road Trip!

If Justin and I learned one thing this past December on our drive across country - it's that we LOVE a good road trip!  After looking at the weather forecast and seeing that it amazing sunny and warm weather was predicted for the weekend, we decided to head south on the Pacific Coast Highway (the 1) to Los Angeles and enjoy the sites along the way!  What a trip we had!  We left Pebble Beach around 10am on Friday and drove the 101 down past Paso Robles (the 1 is shut down just past Big Sur due to a mud slide) and then we cut over to the 1 making our first stop Morro Bay.  We happened on Morro Rock which was really neat and what incredible views from the beach! 

Morro Rock

Love birds in front of Morro Rock

Then headed to San Luis Obispo.  What an adorable downtown!  We just loved it!  We stopped in a couple stores, Elle got to shop at a doggie bakery/boutique, we had a delish snack at Bel Frites (Belgium fries and dipping sauces), and left our gum (along side everyone else's) in Bubblegum Alley. 

Justin in Bubblegum Alley

Next we drove through Pismo Beach, with plans to stop there on our way back up the coast, and made our way to the Santa Ynez Valley to the Fess Parker Winery.  Justin enjoyed sampling their wines and afterward we enjoyed a fun picnic lunch on the beautiful winery grounds. 

In the Fess Parker Tasting Room

Check out the coon skin wine topper!

Our little family :)

After Fess Parker, we hooked back up on the 1 and had plans to go to Santa Barbara.  With it getting later and it being a holiday weekend, we dug out the AAA Tour Book and decided to save Santa Barbara for our trip back up the coast and found a great little hotel in Ventura.  We didn't have plans to stop in Ventura but boy, are we glad that we did!  It was such a charming little town with a beautiful pier, beach, and downtown.  Our hotel was right in the middle of it all and we were able to walk everywhere.  After spending the evening on the beach and pier, we took Elle back to the hotel and walked downtown where we enjoyed a yummy dinner at Winchester's - and we were even able to sit outside, the weather was just perfect!

Ventura Pier

The Kirkpatricks!

20 week baby bump picture on Ventura Beach!

Ventura Pier/Beach
After getting a good night's rest, we were able to wake up early and hit the road.  Boy was the traffic in LA horrific.  I swear it took a good five years off of my life.  Justin did a wonderful job maneuvering us through the craziness and before long, we were in Hermosa Beach enjoying Fiesta Hermosa, a fabulous festival spanning several blocks full of arts, crafts, food, and various businesses giving away fun freebies.

Hermosa Beach

After enjoying our afternoon in Hermosa, we headed to LA to our home away from home for the night, the Palomar.  It was right on the edge of Beverly Hills and super swanky.  We really love Kimpton brand hotels and this one did not disappoint.  Before dinner, Justin enjoyed happy hour in the hotel lobby...

Sampling a few favorites :)

Then we drove to The Ivy, a super famous restaurant on Robertson Blvd in Los Angeles.  It's where the "stars" go to be seen and I read about my favorite actors and actresses dining there in People and US Magazine almost weekly.  Our last time in LA, Justin and I enjoyed a wonderful lunch at The Ivy.  This particular evening, we went for dinner and it was delicious.  We enjoyed the atmosphere, the food, and our celebrity sighting of Piers Morgan!  :)

My cute hubby and me at The Ivy.

Piers Morgan sat right behind me!

And just before we had left the hotel for dinner, we got a wonderful text message from our friend David who informed us that the results were out and that Justin had screened for Department Head!  We were absolutely THRILLED with the news - I couldn't be more proud of my incredible husband.  He's absolutely amazing. 
Justin enjoying a mint julep in celebration of screening Department Head!

Because we've been to LA several times, we didn't feel the need to do the "touristy" part of LA so we just drove over to Hollywood and Highland, went in a few shops and called it a night and went back to the hotel to watch a movie.  What a perfect evening!

Justin and me in our Palomar robes!

Even Elle enjoyed her Palomar robe!

Sunday, we got up late, were lazy all morning, enjoyed breakfast in the room, and then finally got ready and headed out around noon to take on LA.  Our first stop this day was Gloria's Mexican and Salvadorean Cafe.  Justin and I had seen the cafe on the show "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives" back when we were living in Virginia Beach.  We made note that when we were in LA next, that we HAD to go.  We were so glad that we did!  We had a delightful time at Gloria's and enjoyed authentic Salvadorean cuisine.  YUM!

Justin outside of Gloria's Cafe

With our bellies happy and full, we hit the 1N and headed to Malibu, where the traffic was a nightmare but views - amazing! 

Driving up the Pacific Coast Highway

Elle taking in the sights

We finally made it to Santa Barbara and had the most wonderful time exploring State Street, the main drag in SB packed with cute boutiques and high end department stores.  We shopped a little and enjoyed some gelatto before getting back in the car with our Garmin set to get us to Pismo Beach.

Downtown Santa Barbara

Justin and me on State Street

We had originally had plans to spend one more night on the road but after calling a few hotels and hearing that the "walk in discounted price for a non-oceanfront room" was $634 - we decided that we weren't that far from home and that we'd rather sleep in our own bed.  :)  We made one more stop on the road, dinner in Pismo Beach at the Spyglass Inn Restaurant.  Justin and I had the most delicious meal overlooking the ocean at sunset - and Elle even dined on a yummy chicken strip kids meal! 

Our view at dinner.

Another successful Kirkpatrick Family Road Trip for the books.  We cherish every second that we have together and we absolutely love making memories together.  We'll never forget the fun times that we had on this trip and are so lucky to have enjoyed such a beautiful weekend together.  :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Senator John Warner

As members of the Naval Postgraduate School Foundation, we get to attend some pretty neat events.  Back in March, you might remember that we met the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Gary Roughead.  Tonight, we had the pleasure of attending the ceremony for former Senator John Warner (R-VA) as he was presented with an honorary doctorate from NPS.  84 years young - he was witty and sharp as a tack.  We enjoyed hearing him tell old stories and later during the reception were honored to meet him.  Senator Warner was instrumental in altering the GI Bill so that spouses and children of the service member can use the GI Bill benefits.  A 30 year Senator from VA, he also was the Secretary of the Navy under President Nixon, was the 6th husband of Elizabeth Taylor, and soon will have a Virginia class submarine named after him, the USS John Warner. 
Senator John Warner

Justin and me with former Senator John Warner (R-VA)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gorgeous Day in Carmel-By-The-Sea

What a BEAUTIFUL day!  We had to get out and enjoy it so we decided the best way would be in Carmel with good friends.  Justin, Elle, Baby K, and I met the Fromille's at Carmel Beach where we let our pups, Elle, Bella, and Winston run around before hiking up to downtown Carmel and one of our favorite restaurants in town; The Forge in the Forest.  The restaurant is extremly dog friendly, they even have a dog menu!  Elle prefers the grilled chicken strips served to her in a doggy bowl.  We enjoyed our lovely afternoon with our sweet friends!  Boy, this place is gorgeous - how fortunate are we that we get to call this place "home" for two years.  LOVE it!

Elle, super excited for her play date on the beach :) 
(It was Armed Forces Day so naturally she had to dress up)

19 week baby bump picture taken on Carmel Beach

Justin, Elle, Baby K, and me in Carmel-by-the-Sea

The sweet Fromille family!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Justin's new "Daddy Toy"

Justin has been wanting a Kelty child backpack for a couple of months now.  I found one on craigslist for a really good deal so Justin and I went to Seaside to check it out.  It was in great shape so we purchased it!  We can't wait to take family hikes after the baby comes and I know Justin can't wait to use his new "toy".

Justin modeling the Kelty backpack

Can't wait to use it :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Santa Cruz Boardwalk

We ventured up "the 1" about an hour to Santa Cruz to check out the Santa Cruz Boardwalk!  What a fun place for both kids and adults.  I'm just sad that I couldn't ride the rides!  Justin got an all day ride pass and definitely got his moneys worth, riding just about every ride there!  James Durbin, a finalist on American Idol had just been kicked off of the show that week and little did we know, this Saturday had been named "Durbin Day" as the city of Santa Cruz welcomed this hometown star back home.  We had a super fun day!

After our fun day at the boardwalk

These signs were hung everywhere as James Durbin was set to perform that evening.

Friday, May 13, 2011

So in Love!

A sweet family picture taken on Seal Beach in Pebble Beach.  We come here just about every day as it's a short walk away from our house.  We love spending evenings together on the beach!

So excited about our baby!

So in love with this man - he makes me smile every single day.

18 week baby bump picture taken at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Monday, May 9, 2011

My 1st Mother's Day

"Before you were conceived, I wanted you.  Before you were born, I loved you.  Before you were here an hour, I would give my life for you.  This is the miracle of life." by Maureen Hawkins

While I have yet to meet our precious little peanut, I already love this baby more than I ever could have thought was possible.  I find myself constantly wanting to protect it, care for it, nurture it, and love it.  I spend my days dreaming about the life it will have.  I wish that it may always feel loved, supported, cared for, and appreciated.  I hope that our child doesn't have to want for anything in life; that we may be able to provide for it above and beyond.  I hope that our child smiles every single day.  I wish for so many wonderful things for our sweet baby and I cannot wait until October, when that day comes that I get to hold it in my arms, kiss it, love it, and whisper all of these dreams, hopes, and desires I have for it and care for it the way a new mother cares for her child. 
This first Mother's Day was special because not only do I have a precious baby on the way, but because I have two amazing women in my life who I look up to and hope to be like one day very soon; my Mom and my Nana. 
17 week baby bump picture taken after church on Mother's Day.

This is right down the road from our house - we are so fortunate to live in paradise.

Mommy and Elle playing on the beach :)

My sweet husband and me

Family photo!

What a truly special Mother's Day :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Bonds Visit Pebble Beach

Hours after arriving back on the west coast, our friends Taylor and Elena Bond stopped by for a visit!  After having been stationed in Washington State for the past 3.5 years, they were driving to the east coast and lucky for us, they made Pebble Beach a stop on their cross country road trip!  Justin and Taylor attended the Naval Academy together, were in the same Power School and Prototype class in Charleston, and attended Sub School together in Groton.  I had never met he or his lovely wife and had really been looking forward to their visit.  While they were only here a short time, we showed them the sights in Pebble Beach, enjoyed a delicious dinner together, and indulged in some frozen yogurt from our favorite place in town - Myo. 

The Kirkpatricks and Bonds at the Lone Cypress in Pebble Beach.

The 18th green at Pebble Beach Golf Links.

Buddies!  Justin and Taylor